Sunday 21 October 2018

Day 10: A friend in need?

I can remember a disagreement I had with a teacher when I was at primary school.  We had been set the task of explaining a whole raft of proverbs and sayings.  When it came to the end of the exercise and we were reading out our answers there was a definite split in the class over the meaning of "A friend in need is a friend indeed". My teacher supported the view that it meant that a person who wanted something was likely to act in a very obsequious way towards another (I'm not sure she used 'obsequious', and I'm sure we said 'sucking-up').  I was in the camp that thought the saying meant that when one was in need, if a person still helped or supported you, then that person was a true friend.  I still prefer my interpretation.

A third of the way through the challenge and with all my usual treats used up and off the shopping list I am becoming acutely aware of the difference between necessities and luxuries.  Opening my front door to find this half-jar of coffee on my mat was wonderful.  If I were truly 'on my uppers' (Mrs Wright, that one wasn't on your list) random acts of kindness would mean a lot.   I hope the memory of it will make me more aware that some gifts are worth so much more than their value. But for now, I certainly won't be 'looking this gift horse in the mouth'.

I had things to do and places to go on Day 10, so I decided to make the most of what my over-cooking had provided me in the way of frozen left-overs.  It was fish pie I pulled out of the freezer, the remnants of the dinner on the first night of my recent house-guest's visit.  The night I had prepared it, it hadn't seemed particularly special, but oh my, how I enjoyed it!  The remaining £20.20 won't be stretching to salmon, cod, smoked haddock and prawns so I'll need to get my thinking-cap on to come up with something within the budget that tastes this luxurious.

While I peruse the cook books, I think I'll enjoy a cup of coffee.  Thanks Siân!

If you'd like to sponsor me for this challenge and support  'Start-Up Stirling' you can do so here!

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