Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Day 7: the end of the beginning

I am pleased to say that I've reached the end of the first week of my challenge and I'm still alive and not hungry.  I plan to stay that way and I'm fast discovering that it's planning that is likely to keep me that way.  I've learned four main things about myself so far; I buy too much, I cook too much, I eat too much and I am very, very lucky.  I'm guessing this could be the anthem for a large proportion of the western world.  And yet I fear the portion remaining can only dream of singing this particular song.

I ran out of milk again today, so off to the wee shop I went.  I did take a list with me and on it were all the things I've run out of or am getting low on; coffee, tea, cheese, marmalade, fresh tomatoes, butter beans, arborio rice, chick peas, frozen peas, beans, parsley and marmite.  But I came out having only bought milk (£1.25 spent).  I had realised that my shopping lists are always like this.  I buy because I have run out, not because I have a plan to use that particular thing.  I know now that it is why I end up with a cupboard of unopened food that is pushing its 'best before' date.  And of course, when I find it, I cook it and eat it to avoid it going to waste - hence the eating too much.  Having had a rake through the cupboard yesterday, I shall need to find a use for almost out of date millet, quinoa and buckwheat, no doubt there is a wonderful recipe somewhere that uses all three.  If only I could remember what/where it is. Another habit to change.

I have also noticed over the last week that I spend much more time thinking about food, preparing food and cooking food - to the detriment of all the other things I'd rather be doing.  If I were really in parlous circumstances that is time I would need to spend looking for work.  So I decided early what I was going to eat today.
Breakfast was toast and marmalade, lunch was soup, bread and a piece of strudel and for dinner tonight I wanted something with a bit of green.  I also didn't want to spend all evening cooking as tonight was SWI night.

My go-to quick meal is always risotto.  20 mins start to finish.  Usually of course a goodly slug of wine goes in with the stock, but in lieu of that I flavoured my rice with grated lemon zest and garlic, added peas, a finely chopped courgette, a couple of leaves of shredded black cabbage and a handful of parsley.  I turned a tablespoon of parmesan through it at the end just to add a little creaminess.

This meant that not only did I get to the SWI meeting on time to hear a super talk about dyeing, spinning and weaving (and delivered the vote of thanks) but I've also had enough time today to finish knitting Shirley's scrappy scarf -- just the pompoms to sew on now.

Tomorrow I join the Chryston ladies for patchwork, so I'll need a packed lunch (made with the last of the bread) and an evening meal I don't have to spend ages preparing.  I'm thinking porridge for breakfast (of course there are oats - if a bit close to their 'best before' date), a cheese sauce salad sandwich (you don't know what you are missing) and then the portion of left-over savoury bread and butter pudding that I froze last week.

As a result on Friday I'll need to make bread, and I think it's time I had some curry (I have all those frozen curry leaves to use up) and maybe something sweet with apples and pears. I should also plan a menu for next week and shop accordingly, taking account of the leftovers I've frozen.

I was offered some more apples today.  Perhaps I should spend the weekend finding out how to make cider.

If you'd like to sponsor me for this challenge and support  'Start-Up Stirling' you can do so here!

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